By: Editorial Staff
There is a pressing need for a step by step guide to Prayer because Prayer is a connection between Almighty Allah and His slaves. Prayer purifies and cleans our hearts and minds and brings tranquillity to our life every time one offers them. It is the most stressed act of worship in the Qur’an, and the first on which mankind will be judged. Prayer is a sign of one’s belief and the worship that brings one closer to Allah. It is the worship that is more beloved to Allah than this world and all that is in it!

Preparing for prayer includes cleaning oneself, wearing clean clothes, and finding a clean and pure place to offer prayer.
No wonder that prayer was the last advice of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) before he passed away, “Prayer, Prayer!” (Agreed Upon)
Enjoy watching this step by step guide to Prayer.
Preparing for Prayer
Preparing for prayer includes cleaning oneself, wearing clean clothes, and finding a clean and pure place to offer prayer at.
Perform the wudu’ (ablution), or the ghusl (ritual bath), depending on one’s state of purity. One must perform ritual bath in case of sexual intercourse, after discharge of any ‘sexual’ fluids, and after a woman has completed her menstrual period.
Men should cover at least the part of their body between the navel and the knees (`awrah), but it is preferable to wear a (preferably long sleeved) shirt.
The place where one offers prayer must be clean and pure. If one is not sure whether the ground is clean or not, spread a clean cloth or prayer mat over it. Insure the area is not wet because it may contain urine.
The following video will teach you step by step how to perform ablution in the correct way.
Step by Step Guide to Prayer
There are five obligatory prayers to be performed at five different times of the day.
1- Fajr (Dawn) prayer
Fajr is the first of the five obligatory prayers on the day. Its time starts at dawn and ends at sunrise. Thus it can be prayed between these points. But it is best to pray at the beginning of its time. The following video explains the way of performing the Fajr prayer and its related rulings.
2- Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer
The Zhuhr time starts when the sun begins to decline from its zenith and ends when the size of an object’s shadow is equal to the object’s size.
Learn how to perform the Zhuhr prayer in the correct manner:
3- `Asr (Afternoon) Prayer
The time of `Asr starts when an object’s shadow is equal to the object’s size and ends just before sunset.
It is better to pray it before the sky becomes yellow (even though it is allowed to pray at such a time) because the Prophet (peace be upon him) generally disliked offering prayer at such time. Prophet (peace be upon him) remarked that the Munafiqun (hypocrites) offer their prayers at this time.
Learn how to offer the `Asr prayer in the following video:
4- Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer
The time of Maghrib begins just after sunset and ends when twilight has just disappeared. Learn how to offer it in the following video:
5-`Isha’ (Night) Prayer
The `Isha’ time starts when twilight has disappeared and ends before midnight. Learn how to offer it in the following video:
We hope this step by step guide to Prayer will help you perform your prayer correctly. If you like it, please share it.