What is the ruling of dyeing or using henna for both men and women? Does it invalidate one's ab ...
What is meant by nifas? What is the minimum period of post-natal bleeding? What is the maximum ...
What is the ruling of some urine drops on the underwear? How could the one who suffer from urin ...
What is the ruling of performing ablution (wudu') while being naked? What is the limit of `awra ...
What are the virtues of offering Prayer in Islam? ...
What is the ruling of leaving a portion of a pillar while performing ablution? ...
What shall I do if I find sperm comes out after performing ghusl of janabah? ...
What are the conditions of wiping over socks? How could you calculate the period of wiping over ...
What is the ruling of wearing nail polish for Muslim women? Is it permissible to wear nail poli ...
What is the ruling of mentioning Allah's Name inside bathroom before making ablution? ...