Doubts about wudu

Having Doubts About My Wudu: What Shall I Do?

How could one overcome the whispers of Satan when performing wudu'? How could you perform wudu' ...

Making Dhikr with Singing or Drums

Making Dhikr with Singing or Drums: Allowed?

What are the etiquettes of Friday Sermon? What is the ruling of talking during the khutbah of J ...

Rain falling

Prayer for Rain (Salat Al-Istisqa’)

What is the recorded supplication regarding the Prayer for Rain? ...

A worshiper is offering prayer.

The Priority of Prayer

What is relationship between the Qur’an and prayer? How could one refresh his faith? What is th ...


Delaying Prayer due to Extreme Fatigue

What is the ruling of delaying prayer beyond its proper time? What is its ruling in case of nec ...

Raising Hands While Supplicating in Prayer: Allowed?

Raising Hands While Supplicating in Prayer: Allowed?

What are the etiquettes of listening to the Qur’an? What are the benefits of reciting the Qur’a ...

Verbal Intention Before Prayer

Verbal Intention Before Prayer: Necessary?

What is meant by the intention in prayer? How should one make the intention before prayer? What ...

How to Perform Qunut in the Witr Prayer

How to Perform Qunut in the Witr Prayer

What is the ruling of raising hands in qunut? What is the ruling of qunut? Should it be offered ...

Night Prayer

Ramadan’s Night Prayers, Why Two Times?

What is the reward of those who wake up during night and pray? What is the best time to perform ...

Cases that Necessitate Ritual Bath

Cases that Necessitate Ritual Bath (Ghusl)

What is meant by ghusl? What are the cases that necessitates ritual bath? When is ablution requ ...