
The Meaning of Prayer

What is the ruling of prayer in Islam? What is the meaning of prayer in Shari`ah ? ...


Punishment for Leaving Prayer

What is the ruling of prayer in Islam? What is the punishment for leaving prayer in the Islamic ...

A mosque

The Impact of Prayer on the Individual and Society

How does prayer improve the state of the community? How does prayer instill the spirit of broth ...

The Prophet's Mosque in Madinah.

Be Aware of the Whispers of Satan

How could you seek Allah's forgiveness? How could you avoid the whispers of Satan? ...

A woman offers prayer.

Helpful Tips to Keep on Prayer

What is the status of prayer in Islam? Why we pray? How to keep on your prayer? ...

Someone performs ablution.

Importance of Ablution (2/2)

How could the Muslim perfect the ablution? What are the common mistakes that people make while ...

The Sun and the Qiblah

The Sun Will Indicate the Qiblah

When the does the sun indicate the qiblah each year? What is the story of changing the qiblah? ...

Someone off is prostrating during his prayer.

Prayer of a Traveler

What is the ruling of shortening prayer during travel? How could the Muslim offer it? ...

a boy in a mosque

Status of Prayer in Islam

What is the status of prayer in Islam? What is the spiritual influence of prayer? ...

Pure water

When Is Ghusl Obligatory?

What is required from women after the period? What should be done in case of finding sperm on o ...