
Ruku` in Prayer

What are the external acts of bowing? How to perform bowing in the perfect way? ...

The Prophet's Mosque

Prayer’s Prerequisites and Essentials (2/2)

What do you know about the Prophet’s prayer? What is the rule if you do not recite Al-Fatihah d ...

Al-Masjid al-Haram

Prayer’s Prerequisites and Essentials (1/2)

What is the ruling of the prayer? What is the significance of prayer in Islam? How could you pr ...

Muslims are prostrating during prayer.

Was There Ritual Prayer before Islam? (1/2)

How did Arab Idolaters use to pray? How did Prophet Abraham use to pray ...

About Prayer: The Second Pillar of Islam

Why is Prayer the second pillar of Islam? Performed five times a day, is it a kind of ritual or ...

prqyer in islam

Step by Step Guide to Prayer (2/2)

What do Muslims say in the bowing and prostration positions? Is the second Rak`ah different fro ...

Taking The Masbuq as Imam In Prayer

What Is the Ruling of Praying behind the Masbuq?

If a person joined the congregational Prayer in last rak`ahs and then after Imam finishes the p ...

Devotion in Various Acts in Prayer

Devotion in Various Acts in Prayer

What is the meaning of devotion in Prayer? How could you achieve khushu` in your prayer? How co ...

Someone offers prayer near the sea.

Nullifiers of Prayer

How could the Muslim perfect his prayer? ...

How Should a Woman Prostrate in Prayer?

How Should a Woman Prostrate in Prayer?

Is there a difference in the way men and women perform prayer? Is it permissible for a woman to ...