someone is offering prayer.

How to Perform Sujud As-Sahw

Why are there many different schools of Fiqh? Are there differences in the matter of `Aqidah? ...

Someone is offering prayer.

Offering Obligatory Prayers Only

Is there harm in performing obligatory prayers only? ...

Al-Aqas Mosque.

Shaking Hands After Prayer: Permissible?

Is shaking hands after ending the prayer an innovation? ...

A mosque

Not Offering Prayer: Abandonment or Laziness?

What is the ruling of prayer? How could you prove the great excellence of prayer in Islam? Does ...

Some people are offering prayer

Combining Zhuhr and `Asr Prayer

What is the ruling of combining prayers in Islam? ...


Performing Ritual Prayer – Step by Step (1/3)

Is it recommended to wear special clothes during prayer? What is recommended for women to do in ...

Prayer in islam

Offering Prayer in a Non-Muslim House

What are the validity conditions of Prayer? Is it allowed to pray in the houses of disbelievers ...


Prolonged Supplication in the Final Prostration: Permissible?

What is the ruling of supplication in the prostration? What is the ruling of supplication durin ...

Congregational Prayer

Praying behind a Boy Who is not Adult

Is it allowed for a boy to lead a congregational prayer? What is the Proof? ...

Purity in Islam

Conditions of Prayer: Physical Purity

How should you perform ablution in its perfect way? What are the states that require performing ...