Is it necessary to make water reach the roots of one's hair during ghusl? ...
Should one say Bismillah out loud during hi/her Prayer? ...
Is it permissible to enter the mosque while wearing shoes? ...
How could a Muslim make supplication in prayer? What are the virtues of making supplication in ...
How could one overcome the whispers of Satan when performing wudu'? How could you perform wudu' ...
Is Prayer of Ar-Ragha'ib recommended of an innovation? What is the ruling of following an innov ...
What are the virtues of washing the deceased Muslim? Is it permissible for a husband to wash hi ...
What are the etiquettes of Sujud As-Sahw? How could you offer prostration of forgetfulness? ...
What is the ruling of missed prayers of a person who was unconscious? ...
Does one have to make up the missed witr prayers? ...