Friday Sermon

Common Mistakes Made during Jumu`ah

What acts should Muslims avoid on Friday prayer? What are the common mistakes made by imam in F ...

Quba Masjid

The Earth is My Masjid

What is the first masjid built in Islam? What do you know about Masjid Quba’? Is the mosque bui ...

About Prayer: The Second Pillar of Islam

Why is Prayer the second pillar of Islam? Performed five times a day, is it a kind of ritual or ...

What Is the Intention For Friday Prayer

What Is the Intention For Friday Prayer?

How could one make the intention before offering Friday prayer? ...

Can I Pray Jumuah at Home If there is no Space at the Masjid?

Can I Pray Jumuah at Home If There Is No Space at the Masjid?

Can I pray Jumuah (Friday Prayer) at home with my family if there is no place at the Masjid? Wa ...

What Is the Ruling of the Sunnah Before Jumuah (Friday) Prayer?

What Is the Ruling of the Sunnah Before Jumuah (Friday) Prayer?

Is there a prescribed sunnah before the Jumuah Prayer? Is there a prescribed sunnah between the ...

Avoid Masjid and Jumuah Prayer Out Of Fear Of Coronavirus

Neglecting Prayer in Masjid Out of Fear of Coronavirus

What is the ruling of avoiding Masjid and Jumu`ah (Friday Prayer) out of fear of coronavirus? W ...

Is It Necessary That Friday Khutbah Be In Arabic

Is It Necessary That Friday Khutbah Be In Arabic?

What is the ruling of delivering the Friday khutbah in a language other than Arabic? Watch this ...

The imam is on the pulpit delivering Friday Khutbah.

Friday Khutbah (sermon)

What should be the khutbah of the Jumu`ah contain? Is it permissible for the imam to interrupt ...

What is the ruling of delivering Friday Khutbah in a language other than Arabic? 

Ruling of Delivering Friday Khutbah in Other than Arabic? 

What is the ruling of delivering Friday Khutbah in a language other than Arabic? Watch this int ...