Experiencing Bleeding After Menstruation

Experiencing Bleeding After Menstruation: What Should I Do?

What is the difference between hayd (menstruation) and istihadah (irregular bleeding)? Could a ...

Does Vaginal Discharge Invalidate Ablution?

Does Vaginal Discharge Invalidate Ablution?

What is the ruling of ablution after white discharge? What is the ruling of the clinical discha ...

Types of Blood Seen by Women

What Are the Types of Blood Seen by Women?

What are the rulings of post-natal bleeding? What is meant by As-Sufrah and Al-Kudrah? What are ...

Bleeding After 6 Days of Menstruation

Bleeding After 6 Days of Menstruation: What to Do?

Is there a specific period for the menstruation period? Does the irregular bleeding excuse wome ...

How to Count Your Menstrual Period (Haidh) Exactly?

How to Count Your Menstrual Period (Haidh)?

How should I count my menstrual period exactly? What is the ruling of irregular bleeding? Watch ...