Do you keep on your prayer? Do you pray five times a day? Do you find it difficult? How could y ...
How could you increase your devotion in prayer? How to feel the impact of adhan? How could you ...
Upon whom was the prayer obligated? What are the virtues of prayer in Islam? What is the spirit ...
How is the Prayer offered according to the Prophetic Sunnah? What is the number of units of eac ...
What is the impact of the prayer in the daily life of the believer? ...
What do you know about the state of khushu` in prayer? How could you taste the sweetness of pra ...
What is the Prophet’s guidance in concluding his prayer? ...
How to perform ablution? What are the obligatory acts of ablution in Islamic Law? What are the ...
What do you know about sunnah prayers? What are the confirmed sunnah prayers before and after o ...
What is the ruling if you leave a prayer until the following prayer comes? ...