a woman offers prayer.

Can I Pray While Bleeding after 40 Days of Nifas?

What are the kinds of blood that are seen by women? What is meant by istihadah? What is the ru ...

Offering Congregational Prayer.

Congregational Prayer Behind a Latecomer: How?

What should one do if missed the congregational prayer? ...


Optional Acts of Ablution

What are the supererogatory acts of ablution? What are the healthy benefits of ablution? ...

Some worshipers are prepared to offer prayer.

Punctuality of Prayer

Why is it a must to offer prayer on time? Why do most of us lose concentration during the praye ...

A muslim offer prostration during prayer.

Can We Make Supplication During Prayer?

What is the ruling of making supplication while offering prayer? ...

A child is performing ablution.

Optional Acts of Ablution

What are the merits of offering two rak'ahs after each ablution? What are the recommended times ...

Some Muslims perform sujud during their prayer.

The Virtues of Congregational Prayer

What is the wisdom of the congregational prayer? What are the merits of the congregational pray ...

Night Prayer

The Prophet’s Night Prayer

What do you know about the Prophet’s guidance in offering `Isha’ Prayer? How did the Prophet us ...

Prayer in Islam

Prayer Is Better Than Sleep

Why do we pray? How could we escape or relieve ourselves from the worries of this life? What is ...

Muslims offer Tarawih prayer at mosque.

Perfecting Prayer in Ramadan

Sheikh Shams Ad Duha talks about the merits of Tarawih prayer how to perfect your prayer during ...