Shortening & Combining Prayers While Traveling Question: What are the rulings of shortening ...
How to perform ablution (wudu) effectively without wasting water? How could a Muslim perform wu ...
What are the types of Ghusl (Ritual Bath)? What is the difference between recommended and Wajib ...
What Is the Ruling on Prayer of One Who Falls Asleep in Sujud (prostration)? Watch this short a ...
What is the ruling of scratching one's hands during Prayer (Salah)? What are the prohibited mov ...
How many rakahs are there in taraweeh Prayer? How much Quran should one recite while praying ta ...
What is the ideal time for the Duha Prayer? What is the ruling of making up the missed Duha Pra ...
What is the ruling of shortening the prayer if some one intends to travel and reside more than ...