How to Perform the Witr Prayer

What is Witr Prayer? How did the Prophet (peace be upon him) performed it? What does distinguis ...

The Prophet's Mosque

Sunnah of Fajr Prayer

What should you do if you miss the sunnah of Fajr Prayer? What are the merits of the two rak`ah ...

A child attend the mosque with the adults .

Holding a Child While Praying

Is offering prayer while holding a child valid? What is the evidence? ...

wiping over socks

Wiping Over Socks

What are the things that would nullify wiping over the socks? How could we count the period of ...

Congregational Prayer

Praying behind a Boy Who is not Adult

Is it allowed for a boy to lead a congregational prayer? What is the Proof? ...

Delaying the Fajr Prayer

What is the deadline for Fajr prayer? To know the answer, watch this short video by Dr. Muhamma ...

Praying Sunnah Prayers with Wife at Home

Can you pray Sunnah prayers at home? Can you pray Sunnah prayer with your wife? To get these qu ...

Prayer In Islam

Sunnah before Maghrib Prayer

What do you know about sunnah prayers? What are the confirmed sunnah prayers before and after o ...