What Is the Maximum Period of Post-Natal Bleeding?

What Is the Maximum Period of Post-Natal Bleeding?

What is meant by nifas? What is the minimum period of post-natal bleeding? What is the maximum ...

What Are the Rulings of Istihadah (Irregular Bleeding)?

Rulings of Istihadah

Does Haid prevent a woman from offering the acts of worship? Does istihadah prevent a woman fro ...

Experiencing Bleeding After Menstruation

Experiencing Bleeding After Menstruation: What Should I Do?

What is the difference between hayd (menstruation) and istihadah (irregular bleeding)? Could a ...

Does Vaginal Discharge Invalidate Ablution?

Does Vaginal Discharge Invalidate Ablution?

What is the ruling of ablution after white discharge? What is the ruling of the clinical discha ...

a woman offers prayer.

Can I Pray While Bleeding after 40 Days of Nifas?

What are the kinds of blood that are seen by women? What is meant by istihadah? What is the ru ...