Does one have to make up the missed witr prayers? ...
Why should a Muslim take a nap? What are the virtues of the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer? ...
What are the etiquettes of listening to the Qur’an? What are the benefits of reciting the Qur’a ...
What are the virtues of offering Fajr and Isha’ Prayers in congregation? ...
What is the ruling of raising hands in qunut? What is the ruling of qunut? Should it be offered ...
What is the reward of those who wake up during night and pray? What is the best time to perform ...
Enjoy listening to the verses recited with khushu’ and learn the movements made in each rak`ah ...
What do you know about the Prophet’s guidance in offering `Isha’ Prayer? How did the Prophet us ...
What are the times of prayer in the Islamic Shari`ah? What is the ruling of delaying prayer? ...