Do you have to make Adhan if you pray individually at home? What is the excellence in doing it? ...
How did Arab Idolaters use to pray? How did Prophet Abraham use to pray ...
A question on women Prayer in Islam. Should women cover their feet during Prayer at Home? Watch ...
Performing the prayer is a command of Allah. It is the most important pillar of Islam. It disti ...
Do you recall when was the last time you prayed?... Readers' answers may vary, but what is comm ...
I get up shortly before the Fajr Prayer and make wudu (ablution), should I offer the Sunnah pra ...
What is the ruling of joining the imam in the ruku (bowing)? What is the ruling of the opening ...
Is it permissible to make supplication in sujud while offering prayer? Watch this short talk to ...
Can I pray Sunnah of Fajr after sunrise? If I woke up after the sunrise, can I make up missed F ...
What are the rulings of completing the missed rakahs when joining the congregational prayer lat ...