What is the Difference Between Fard and Nafl Prayers? ...
What is meant by bid`ah? How could you refute the misconception about Tarawih prayer? Did `Umar ...
What is the ruling of making supplication (duaa) while offering prayer? What are the virtues of ...
What are the virtues of making supplication (du`aa') after tashahhud in prayer? Is it permissib ...
What is the time for tahajjud in in Islam? What are the virtues of offering the night prayer? D ...
What is the ruling of making up the missed sunnah before Zhuhr Prayer in Islam? Watch o get the ...
What is the ruling of intention before offering prayer? What is ruling of uttering the intentio ...
What should be the khutbah of the Jumu`ah contain? Is it permissible for the imam to interrupt ...
How could the Muslim perfect his prayer? ...
What is the importance of ablution? Is Prayer valid without ablution? ...