
Duha Prayer

How many rak`ahs is the Duha Prayer? What it its ruling in Islam? ...

What Is the Ruling of Making Duaa After Prayer?

What Is the Ruling of Making Du`aa before Finishing Prayer?

To know more about the rulings of making duaa before and after tasleem in prayer, you could wat ...

Making up for the Missed Witr Prayer

How Can I Make up for the Missed Witr Prayer?

What is meant by the Witr prayer? What is its ruling? How could you offer the Witr prayer? How ...

Who Should Lead the Congregational Prayer?

Who Should Lead the Congregational Prayer?

What are the necessary qualities for an Imam to have in order to lead a congregational prayer? ...

Delaying Prayer for Watching Quran Program: Allowed?

Delaying Prayer for a Qur’an Program: Permissible?

What are the virtues of offering prayer on their times? ...

What Are the Virtues of Staying in Mosque After Fajr Prayer?

What Are the Virtues of Staying in Mosque after Fajr Prayer?

What are the virtues of staying in the mosque to make dhikr and worship Allah? ...

Can a Muslim have Islam without the Prayer

Can a Muslim have Islam without the Prayer?

How could we worship God without connecting with him? On what basis will you build your relatio ...

A group of Muslims offer prayer in congregation. Prayer Develops Unity

Prayer Develops Unity

What is the importance of prayer? How could prayer develop unity? ...

What is the Ruling of Using Miswak before Prayer? 

What Is the Ruling of Using Miswak before Prayer? 

Is it obligatory to use miswak before offering prayer? ...

Some Muslim youth offer prayer in congregation.

The Prayer! The Prayer!

What are the lessons to be learned from the Prophet’s death? What is the importance of prayer i ...