Cases that Necessitate Ritual Bath

Cases that Necessitate Ritual Bath (Ghusl)

What is meant by ghusl? What are the cases that necessitates ritual bath? When is ablution requ ...

The Purpose of Prayer

Why do we need prayer? How does prayer meet man’s need for divine guidance? What is the meanin ...

A cat drinks from a pond.

Leftover Water

What is the ruling of water left in a container after a cat, pig, or dog? ...

Someone prostrating in the prayer.

Prayer is the Ascension of Believers

How could you increase your devotion in prayer? How could you perform a genuine prayer? What is ...

How to Focus and Attain Khushu` in Prayer

How to Focus and Attain Khushu` in Prayer

What is the reason behind forgetting the number of rak`ahs during prayer? How could one deal wi ...

A mosque

Actions that Do not Nullify Ablution

What is the ruling of a person who in state of doubt whether he has released gas or not? ...

one cleans a sofa - How to Remove Impurity in Islam

How to Remove Impurity

What is the wisdom of removing impurities? How could one perform ghusl (ritual bath) in the cor ...

Qiba' Masjid

No Religion Without Praying

What is the importance of prayer in Islam? What did `Umar say at the last moments of his life? ...

Someone raises his hand in supplication.

Prayer of Repentance

What is the status of repentance in Islam? What is meant by prayer of repentance? ...

The Muslim at Prayer

The Muslim at Prayer ...