How could one make the intention before offering Friday prayer? ...
What is meant by the Witr prayer? What is its ruling? How could you offer the Witr prayer? How ...
“The best of women’s rows are in the back and the worst of them are in the front” ...
What is the ruling of listening to the Friday sermon? Is it allowed to leave the Friday Prayer? ...
What are the etiquettes of Friday Sermon? What is the ruling of talking during the khutbah of J ...
What is the ruling of wearing nail polish for women? ...
What are the etiquettes of listening to the Qur’an? What are the benefits of reciting the Qur’a ...
Is there a difference in the way men and women perform prayer? Is it permissible for a woman to ...
What are the virtues of the congregational prayer? Is it permissible for one who is sick to pra ...
What are the etiquettes of adhan in Islam? What is the authenticated supplication after the adh ...