Staying with a Husband Who Does not Pray Allowed

Staying with a Husband Who Doesn’t Pray: Allowed?

What is the ruling of staying with a husband who does not pray (make salah)? Watch this short v ...

Precious Advice To Offer Prayer (Salah) Consistently

Precious Advice to Offer Prayer (Salah) Consistently

How could you offer the daily prayers regularly? What is the importance of prayer in the life o ...

Can a Menstruating Woman Go to a Masjid

Can a Menstruating Woman Enter the Masjid?

Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to enter the masjid? Is it permissible to sit in a p ...

Woman Giving Friday Khutbah and Leading Prayer Allowed

Woman Giving Friday Khutbah and Leading Prayer: Allowed?

What is the ruling of a woman giving Friday Khutbah or leading men in congregational Prayer? Yo ...

I Remembered I Had Forgot to Pray the Previous Prayer

The Ruling of Remembering a Missed Prayer upon Offering the Due One

What should I do if I go to the Masjid to pray a particular prayer and then I remembered that I ...

Increasing the Number of Rows in the Funeral Prayer

Increasing the Number of Rows in the Funeral Prayer

Is it recommended to increase the number of rows in the funeral prayer (Salat Al-Janazah)? Watc ...

What Is the Ruling of the Vaginal Discharge

What Is the Ruling of the Vaginal Discharge?

What are the types of the vaginal discharge? Do they necessitate performing ghusl (ritual bath) ...

Delaying the Sunnah Prayer Due to Business Allowed

Delaying the Sunnah Prayer Due to Business: Allowed?

What is the ruling of delaying the sunnah prayer of the Zhuhr due to school or business? Watch ...

What Is the Ruling of Movements in Prayer

What Is the Ruling of Movements in Prayer?

What is the ruling of movements while offering prayer? What are the movements that invalidate o ...

What Are The Virtues Of Completing The Gaps In Prayer

What Are the Virtues of Completing the Gaps in Prayer?

What are the virtues of straightening and completing gaps in prayer? What is the ruling of leav ...