Can I Make Supplication in My Own Language During Prayer

Can I Make Supplication in My Own Language During Prayer?

What is the significance of supplication during the prayers? Is there a difference between supp ...

Forgetting Sujud As-Sahw

What Is the Ruling of Forgetting Sujud As-Sahw?

What are the etiquettes of Sujud As-Sahw? How could you offer prostration of forgetfulness? ...

Consequences of Not Offering Friday Prayer

Consequences of Not Offering Friday Prayer

What is the ruling of listening to the Friday sermon? Is it allowed to leave the Friday Prayer? ...

Making Dhikr with Singing or Drums

Making Dhikr with Singing or Drums: Allowed?

What are the etiquettes of Friday Sermon? What is the ruling of talking during the khutbah of J ...

Raising Hands While Supplicating in Prayer: Allowed?

Raising Hands While Supplicating in Prayer: Allowed?

What are the etiquettes of listening to the Qur’an? What are the benefits of reciting the Qur’a ...

How Should a Woman Prostrate in Prayer?

How Should a Woman Prostrate in Prayer?

Is there a difference in the way men and women perform prayer? Is it permissible for a woman to ...

Discharging Wadi After Urination

Discharging Wadi After Urination

Is it valid to supplicate Allah for healing? Does wadi necessitate performing ghusl? ...

Congregational Prayer at Home: Excused?

Congregational Prayer at Home: Excused?

What are the virtues of the congregational prayer? Is it permissible for one who is sick to pra ...

Supplication After Adhan

Supplication After Adhan

What are the etiquettes of adhan in Islam? What is the authenticated supplication after the adh ...

Verbal Intention Before Prayer

Verbal Intention Before Prayer: Necessary?

What is meant by the intention in prayer? How should one make the intention before prayer? What ...