What are the virtues of the congregational prayer? Is it permissible for one who is sick to pra ...
What are the etiquettes of adhan in Islam? What is the authenticated supplication after the adh ...
What is meant by the intention in prayer? How should one make the intention before prayer? What ...
What is the ruling if the leader of prayer is in a state of impurity and the followers do not k ...
What is the ruling of raising hands in qunut? What is the ruling of qunut? Should it be offered ...
What is meant by ghusl? What are the cases that necessitates ritual bath? When is ablution requ ...
What is the reason behind forgetting the number of rak`ahs during prayer? How could one deal wi ...
What is the wisdom of removing impurities? How could one perform ghusl (ritual bath) in the cor ...
What is the importance of purity in Islam? ...