Prayer after Menses

How Should A Woman Offer Prayer After Menses?

Does a Muslim woman have to make up the missed prayers during her menses? What should she make ...

What Is the Maximum Period of Post-Natal Bleeding?

What Is the Maximum Period of Post-Natal Bleeding?

What is meant by nifas? What is the minimum period of post-natal bleeding? What is the maximum ...

pure water

Drops of Urine Come out After Ablution: Excused?

What is the ruling of some urine drops on the underwear? How could the one who suffer from urin ...

Removing Impurities By Dry Cleaning

Removing Impurities By Dry Cleaning

What is the importance of Taharah (removing impurities) in Islam? What is the ruling of removin ...

What Are the Rulings of Istihadah (Irregular Bleeding)?

Rulings of Istihadah

Does Haid prevent a woman from offering the acts of worship? Does istihadah prevent a woman fro ...


What Are the Things That Don’t Invalidate Ablution?

What is the ruling of leaving a portion of a pillar while performing ablution? ...

What Is the Ruling of Discharge After Performing Ghusl

What Is the Ruling of Discharge After Performing Ghusl?

What shall I do if I find sperm comes out after performing ghusl of janabah? ...

How Does Islam Encourage Cleanliness

Discover How Islam Cares About Cleanliness

There are many texts from the Qur'an and the Sunnah that place emphasis on cleanliness. The Pro ...

How to perfrom Ghusl

How to Perform Ghusl for Men and Women

How to perform ghusl? What are the acts that necessitate performing ghus? What are the superero ...

Supplication After Performing Wudu'

Is There any Supplication to Make After Performing Wudu’?

Is there any authentic supplication to say after ablution? ...