What Is the Least Number of Rak`ahs for Witr Prayer

What Is the Least Number of Rak`ahs for Witr Prayer?

What is the ruling of offering the witr prayer in Islam? What is the least number of rakahs for ...

Making up for the Missed Witr Prayer

How Can I Make up for the Missed Witr Prayer?

What is meant by the Witr prayer? What is its ruling? How could you offer the Witr prayer? How ...

Raising Hands While Supplicating in Prayer: Allowed?

Raising Hands While Supplicating in Prayer: Allowed?

What are the etiquettes of listening to the Qur’an? What are the benefits of reciting the Qur’a ...

How to Perform Qunut in the Witr Prayer

How to Perform Qunut in the Witr Prayer

What is the ruling of raising hands in qunut? What is the ruling of qunut? Should it be offered ...


Raising Hands in Qunut during Witr Prayer

Do you raise your hands in supplication when performing Witr? What are the etiquettes of suppli ...

How to Pray Witr and Perform Qunoot during the Witr Prayer?

How to Pray Witr and Perform Qunoot during the Witr Prayer?

How to offer the Witr prayer? How to perform Qunoot (supplication recited in Witr prayer)? Watc ...