Someone is offering prayer

Optional Prayer Before `Asr (Afternoon Prayer)

What are the merits of offering the optional prayer before the obligatory one? ...

Men and women are waiting for prayer.

Partitions between Men and Women in the Mosque

What are the etiquettes of women's dress in Islam? What is the purpose of praying in congregati ...

A woman is offering prayer

Praying While Sitting Down Due to Fear of Miscarriage

What is the ruling of offering prayer while sitting down for pregnant? Is it permissible to off ...

Some Children are offering prayer.

Ruling on Children Praying in the First Rows

Is it recommended to move children from the first lines to the back ones? What are the negative ...

Al-Aqas Mosque.

Shaking Hands After Prayer: Permissible?

Is shaking hands after ending the prayer an innovation? ...

A mosque

Not Offering Prayer: Abandonment or Laziness?

What is the ruling of prayer? How could you prove the great excellence of prayer in Islam? Does ...

Some people are offering prayer

Combining Zhuhr and `Asr Prayer

What is the ruling of combining prayers in Islam? ...