What is the ruling of wiping over the socks and shoes? ...
How did the Prophet do that prayer affair, and what did he say about such? According to the aut ...
What is the ruling of joining the imam in the ruku (bowing)? What is the ruling of the opening ...
What is the ruling of praying (making salah) while facing the place of answering the call of na ...
Can I pray Jumuah (Friday Prayer) at home with my family if there is no place at the Masjid? Wa ...
They do not allow us to pray (make salah) at school, what shall I do? Watch this short talk to ...
What is the ruling of shortening the prayer if some one intends to travel and reside more than ...
Can we pray (make Salah) at the hotel room? What if the rug or the floor is not pure? Watch thi ...
What is the ruling of not offering janazah (Funeral prayer) for someone who did not pray? Watch ...
What is the ruling of movements while offering prayer? What are the movements that invalidate o ...