How Do I Increase My Love For Prayer

How to Increase Your Love For Prayer

Why do we pray? What is the purpose of our creation? ...

Funeral Prayer for an Absentee

What Is the Ruling of Funeral Prayer for an Absentee?

What is the purpose of the Funeral Prayer? ...

How Can You Avoid Missing Prayers

How Can You Avoid Missing Prayers?

What is the importance of offering the daily prayers? ...

Can I Pray Behind Someone From a Different Madhab

Can I Pray Behind Someone From a Different Madhab?

What is the meaning of Madhab in Islam? ...

One Thing You Can Do to Be More Focused in Prayer

One Thing You Can Do to Be More Focused in Prayer?

Have you ever thought during prayer that it may be your last prayer? ...

Can I Wipe Over my Headscarf During Ablution

Can I Wipe Over my Headscarf During Ablution?

Is it permissible for Muslim woman to wipe over her headscarf during ablution? ...

What Should I Do if I Cannot Wake up For Fajr (Dawn Prayer)

What Should I Do if I Cannot Wake up For Fajr (Dawn Prayer)?

How could the Muslim keep the Fajr (Dawn Prayer)? ...

Having Blood on Underwear, What to Do

Having Blood on Underwear, What to Do?

What are the prerequisites of prayer? Is Taharah a condition for the validity of prayer? ...

Can I Combine Prayers Due to My Demanding Job

Can I Combine Prayers Due to My Demanding Job?

Is a Muslim allowed to combine prayers due to his demanding job? Did the Prophet combine in suc ...

Does What I Recite in My 1st and 2nd Rakah Have to be in Order

Should I Stick to the Order of Quran Surahs in Each Raka`ah?

Do we have to recite Quran surahs in order while offering prayer? Do you have to recite a diffe ...