What is the difference between permanent and temporarily travel as regarding fasting? Do they h ...
Do you raise your hands in supplication when performing Witr? What are the etiquettes of suppli ...
How could you increase your devotion in prayer? How to feel the impact of adhan? How could you ...
How to raise your hands during takbir in prayer? What is the wisdom behind saying Allahu Akbar ...
Is the translation of the Qur’an is considered Qur’an? Is it permissible to read from the Mus-h ...
What is the Prophet’s guidance in performing Tarawih prayer? What is the significance of Tarawi ...
Does Islamic Law prohibit using cosmetics for women in general? What are the validity condition ...
What are the merits of praying in congregation? What is its rule? What is the significance of ...
What is the recommended time of the Night Prayer? What are the etiquettes of the Night Prayer? ...
What are the etiquettes of entering the bathroom? How could you clean yourself after urination? ...