Prayer in travelling.

Shortening the Prayer for Travelling in Ramadan

What is the difference between permanent and temporarily travel as regarding fasting? Do they h ...

Shortening & Combining Prayers While Traveling

What Are the Rulings of Shortening & Combining Prayers While Traveling?

Originally posted 2023-01-02 11:40:53. Shortening & Combining Prayers While Traveling Quest ...

What Is the Travel Distance for Shortening Prayers (Salah)?

What Is the Travel Distance for Shortening Prayers (Salah)?

What is the travel distance that gives the concession to shorten the prayer? Watch this short v ...

Shortening the Prayer While Intending to Reside for more than Four Days

Shortening the Prayer During Long Residence

What is the ruling of shortening the prayer if some one intends to travel and reside more than ...

How Could a Person Pray While Flying

How Could a Person Pray While Flying?

What is the ruling of offering prayer while flying? ...

Shortening Prayer for 6 Months; Allowed?

Shortening Prayer for 6 Months: Allowed?

What are the rulings of shortening prayer? How could a traveler shorten prayer? What is the max ...

What Is the Ruling of Friday Prayer for a Traveler

What Is the Ruling of Friday Prayer for a Traveler?

What are the virtues of offering Friday Prayer? ...

combining Zhuhr with `Asr

Repeating `Asr Before Sunset After Combining With Zhuhr: OK?

What is the ruling of combining two prayers while traveling? Is combining two prayers restricte ...

Someone off is prostrating during his prayer.

Prayer of a Traveler

What is the ruling of shortening prayer during travel? How could the Muslim offer it? ...