Call to Prayer

The Sunnah in Making Adhan and Using the Miswak

Do you have to make Adhan if you pray individually at home? What is the excellence in doing it? ...

Tarawih Prayer

How Many Rakahs in Tarawih Prayer?

What do you know about Tarawih Prayer? How many are the rak`ahs of Tarawih Prayer? Is it limite ...

What Are the Virtues of Fajr Prayer?

What Are the Virtues of Fajr Prayer?

What are the virtues of prayer in congregation? What is the wisdom of following the Sunnah of ...

The Prophet's Mosque

Sunnah of Fajr Prayer

What should you do if you miss the sunnah of Fajr Prayer? What are the merits of the two rak`ah ...

Some Muslims are prostrating during the congregational prayer.

Prayer: The Islamic Form of Association

As a psychological, social, spiritual, mental and naturally instinctive human attitude, prayer ...