What is the significance of eclipse in Islam? How to offer the solar/lunar eclipse prayer? ...
Is there a prescribed sunnah before the Jumuah Prayer? Is there a prescribed sunnah between the ...
How could you offer the nafl prayers regularly? What are the virtues of making the sunnah acts ...
What is the ruling of making up the missed or nafl prayers beyond the prescribed times? Is it p ...
What is the Difference Between Fard and Nafl Prayers? ...
How could you repent from many years of missing prayers? ...
How could you offer the nafl prayer before Zhuhr prayer? Is it offered with two separate taslee ...
Did the Prophet (peace be upon him) use to offer nafl prayers in congregation? What is the ruli ...
Does one have to make up the missed witr prayers? ...
How could one offer tasbeeh prayer? Is it Sunnah or an innovation? What are the virtues of the ...