Is Taraweeh Mandatory on Women?

Is Taraweeh Mandatory on Women?

What is the ruling of performing Tarawih Prayer at the Masjid? How did the Prophet’s wives perf ...

A Muslim sits at a mosque - Fard and Nafl Prayers

What is the Difference Between Fard and Nafl Prayers?

What is the Difference Between Fard and Nafl Prayers? ...

Night Prayer

Ramadan’s Night Prayers, Why Two Times?

What is the reward of those who wake up during night and pray? What is the best time to perform ...

Someone is offering prayer

Optional Prayer Before `Asr (Afternoon Prayer)

What are the merits of offering the optional prayer before the obligatory one? ...

Someone is offering prayer.

Offering Obligatory Prayers Only

Is there harm in performing obligatory prayers only? ...