How Can I Get up for Fajr Prayer (Dawn)

Can I pray Tahhajjud Soon after the Isha’ Prayer?

What is the time for tahajjud prayer? How can one get up for Fajr Prayer (Dawn)? Watch this tal ...

What Is the Minimum for the Witr Prayer?

What Is the Minimum for the Witr Prayer?

How could you prayer the Witr prayer? What is the minimum number for the Witr Prayer? Watch thi ...

Some Muslims offer the Tarawih Prayer.

Tarawih Prayer: Excellence and Virtues

What are the virtues of the Night Prayer? What is its time? ...

When Do the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan and Itikaf Begin?

When Do the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan and Itikaf Begin?

What are the virtues of doing Itikaf during the last 10 nights of Ramadan? When should one end ...

Can I Hold the Mushaf and Follow the Imam in Taraweeh?

Can I Hold the Mushaf and Follow the Imam in Taraweeh?

Is it permissible to hold a translation of the Quran while offering taraweeh behind the imam? ...

What Is the Time for Tahajjud

What Is the Time for Tahajjud?

What is the time for tahajjud in in Islam? What are the virtues of offering the night prayer? D ...

Making up for the Missed Witr Prayer

How Can I Make up for the Missed Witr Prayer?

What is meant by the Witr prayer? What is its ruling? How could you offer the Witr prayer? How ...

How Can Women Do Itikaf?

How Can Women Do Itikaf?

How can women get the reward of Itikaf? ...

How the Prophet Observed I`tikaf

How the Prophet Observed I`tikaf

What is the guidance of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in i`tikaf? How could one seek Laylat A ...

Work Schedule and Tarawih Prayer

Work Schedule and Tarawih Prayer

I converted to Islam recently and my work schedule does now allow me to pray Tarawhi prayer. Wh ...