What are the types of the vaginal discharge? Do they necessitate performing ghusl (ritual bath) ...
What is the ruling of answering the call of nature while facing the qiblah (direction of prayer ...
What is the ruling of offering supplication during prostration of thankfulness or prostration o ...
What is the ruling of the baby's urine? At what age should the boy's urine be washed? Watch thi ...
If a person joined the congregational Prayer in last rak`ahs and then after Imam finishes the p ...
What is the ruling of oral sex in Islam? Does oral sex necessitate performing Ghusl (Ritual Bat ...
What is meant by nifas? What is the maximum period of postnatal bleeding? What is the minimum p ...
What is correct way to leave the prayer in case of breaking ablution (wudu')? Do I have to get ...
What are the prerequisites of prayer? How could you perform ablution in the correct order? What ...
What is the ruling of using moisturizing cream or oil on skin before performing ablution? Do yo ...