What is the difference between hayd (menstruation) and istihadah (irregular bleeding)? Could a ...
Does madhi require performing ghusl? What is the ruling if one remembers that he had a wet drea ...
Does passing wind invalidate one’s ablution? In which cases does one have to repeat his ablutio ...
What is the ruling of ablution after changing my baby’s diaper? Does touching the impurity null ...
What are the cases that require performing ghusl? What is the minimum and maximum period of nif ...
How could one wipe over the socks? Is it better to wipe over socks or taking them off to wash t ...
What is the ruling of ablution after white discharge? What is the ruling of the clinical discha ...
How could one wipe over the socks? What is the evidence of wiping over socks? What is the perio ...
Is there a specific period for the menstruation period? Does the irregular bleeding excuse wome ...
What is the ruling of bleeding while being in a state of taharah (ritual purification)? Does it ...