What is the meant by the opening supplication (duaa) in prayer? When should one recite it? What ...
What is the Difference Between Fard and Nafl Prayers? ...
Is it permissible to hold a translation of the Quran while offering taraweeh behind the imam? ...
What is meant by bid`ah? How could you refute the misconception about Tarawih prayer? Did `Umar ...
What is the ruling of the congregational prayer in Islam? What are the virtues of going to the ...
What is the ruling of making supplication (duaa) while offering prayer? What are the virtues of ...
What are the virtues of making supplication (du`aa') after tashahhud in prayer? Is it permissib ...
What is the time for tahajjud in in Islam? What are the virtues of offering the night prayer? D ...
What is the ruling of making up the missed sunnah before Zhuhr Prayer in Islam? Watch o get the ...
What is the ruling of offering the witr prayer in Islam? What is the least number of rakahs for ...