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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Partitions between Men and Women in the Mosque

Partitions between Men and Women in the Mosque

What are the etiquettes of women's dress in Islam? What is the purpose of praying in congregati ...

Prayer of Fear (6/6)

Prayer of Fear (6/6)

How could we perform the Prayer in case of fear? ...

Title: Fiqh Us-Sunnah, Supererogatory Prayer Description: This book was written by Sheikh Sayyi ...

Husband Doesn’t Pray: What to Do?

Husband Doesn’t Pray: What to Do?

What is the first the acts that a person will be asked about on the Day of Judgment? ...

Istikharah Prayer

Istikharah Prayer

How could you perform Istikharah? What should you do after performing it? What are the benefits ...

The Prayer of Fear (5/6)

The Prayer of Fear (5/6)

The Prayer of Fear. What could we understand from offering the prayer in congregation even in t ...

Preserving One’s Prayer in all Circumstances

Preserving One’s Prayer in all Circumstances

What is meant by the middle prayer? Is it `Asr Prayer? How could you prove that? ...

The Prayer of Fear (4/6)

The Prayer of Fear (4/6)

What are the ways of the Prayer of Fear? ...

Praying While Sitting Down Due to Fear of Miscarriage

Praying While Sitting Down Due to Fear of Miscarriage

What is the ruling of offering prayer while sitting down for pregnant? Is it permissible to off ...

The Prayer of Fear (3/6)

The Prayer of Fear (3/6)

What are the circumstances that allow offering the Prayer Fear? Is the Prayer of Fear restricte ...