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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
The Night Prayer

The Night Prayer

What is the recommended time of the Night Prayer? What are the etiquettes of the Night Prayer? ...

Sunnah before Maghrib Prayer

Sunnah before Maghrib Prayer

What do you know about sunnah prayers? What are the confirmed sunnah prayers before and after o ...

Praying for Forgiveness and Repentance

Praying for Forgiveness and Repentance

The creature, by nature, is fallible. The Creator is the All-Forgiving. Prayer is the tool. But ...

The Eclipse Prayer

The Eclipse Prayer

What is the significance of eclipse in Islam? How to offer the solar/lunar eclipse prayer? ...

Prayer of the Solar and Lunar Eclipse (Salat Al-Khusuf)

Prayer of the Solar and Lunar Eclipse (Salat Al-Khusuf)

What is the ruling of the solar and punar eclipse prayer? How to perform it? What is the ruling ...

How to Perform the `Eid Prayer

How to Perform the `Eid Prayer

What are the number of rak`ahs and takbirs of the `Eid Prayer? What should be done if `Eid come ...

Rulings of the `Eid Al-Adha Prayer

Rulings of the `Eid Al-Adha Prayer

What is the ruling of making takbir in the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah? What are the rulings ...

Eid Prayer at Home During the Lockdown

Eid Prayer at Home During the Lockdown

What is Eid Prayer in Islam? What is the ruling of Eid Prayer? What is ruling of praying Eid at ...

Why Should We Observe Taraweeh Prayer?

Why Should We Observe Taraweeh Prayer?

What is meant by taraweeh prayer? What is its ruling? What is the ruling of offering it in cong ...

Making Duaa and Dhikr During Tarawih

Making Duaa and Dhikr During Tarawih

Is it prohibited to make du`aa’ during the intervals in Tarawih Prayer? Is it permissible to ta ...