offering prayer in my mother tongue

Is It Permissible to Offer Prayer in My Mother Tongue?

Will Allah accept my prayer (salat / namaz) if offer it in my native language not Arabic? Watch ...

Does Touching A Woman Invalidate The Wudu

Does Touching a Woman Invalidate Wudu?

What is the ruling of touching a non-mahram woman? Does a touching a woman invalidate one's wud ...

A Muslim sits at a mosque - Fard and Nafl Prayers

What is the Difference Between Fard and Nafl Prayers?

What is the Difference Between Fard and Nafl Prayers? ...

What Is the Least Number of Rak`ahs for Witr Prayer

What Is the Least Number of Rak`ahs for Witr Prayer?

What is the ruling of offering the witr prayer in Islam? What is the least number of rakahs for ...

Qunut in Fajr

What Is the Ruling of Qunut in Fajr Prayer?

What is the ruling of making supplication and dhikr after prayer? ...

missing isha during Ramadan

Missing Isha During Ramadan at Masjid: What to Do?

Is it permissible to join the taraweeh with intention of praying Isha? Is it permissible to mak ...

Work Schedule and Tarawih Prayer

Work Schedule and Tarawih Prayer

I converted to Islam recently and my work schedule does now allow me to pray Tarawhi prayer. Wh ...

the conditions of the imam

What Are the Conditions of the Imam?

Is it permissible for a boy to lead the congregational prayer? Why? What are the conditions of ...

What Is the Validity of Ablution While Wearing Nail Polish?

What Is the Validity of Ablution While Wearing Nail Polish?

What is the ruling of wearing nail polish for Muslim women? Is it permissible to wear nail poli ...

What is Sujud Ash-Shukr in Islam?

What is Sujud Ash-Shukr in Islam?

Is it necessary to be in a state of taharah (purification) when offering Sujud Ash-Shukr? ...