
Mosque in Islam: An Integrated Role

What are the merits of praying in congregation? What is its rule? What is the significance of ...

Congregational Prayer

Praying behind a Boy Who is not Adult

Is it allowed for a boy to lead a congregational prayer? What is the Proof? ...

Quba Masjid

The Earth is My Masjid

What is the first masjid built in Islam? What do you know about Masjid Quba’? Is the mosque bui ...

Congregational Prayers: Virtues and Rules

How is praying in congregation different from praying alone? Why do we, Muslims, pray in congre ...

How to Complete the Missed Rakahs in Congregational Prayer?

How to Complete the Missed Rakahs in Congregational Prayer?

What are the rulings of completing the missed rakahs when joining the congregational prayer lat ...

Can My Son Lead Me in Prayer (Salah) at Home?

Can My Son Lead Me in Prayer (Salah) at Home?

Can my son, who is 9 years old, lead me in prayer at home? What is the ruling of kicking out ch ...

Praying people are listening to the Friday khutbah.

Unable to Offer Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer Due to Work

What is the importance of offering Friday Prayer? ...

Do Women Praying at Home get Same Reward as Praying in Congregation?

Women Congregation at Home, Same Reward as Mosque Congregation?

Do Women Praying at Home get Same Reward as Praying in Congregation? Watch this short video to ...

What Is the Ruling of Partition between Men and Women in the Masjid?

Women Praying behind Men in Masjid without Partitions, Allowable?

Is it permissible for women to pray behind men in the same hall of the Majid without partition? ...

Excellence of Going to the Mosques for Prayer

What Is the Excellence of Going to the Mosques for Prayer?

The Messenger of Allah said, "He who goes to the mosque in the morning or in the evening, Allah ...