Qunut in Fajr

What Is the Ruling of Qunut in Fajr Prayer?

What is the ruling of making supplication and dhikr after prayer? ...

How Many Adhans for Fajr (Dawn) Prayer

How Many Adhans for Fajr (Dawn) Prayer?

Why Fajr (Dawn) Prayer has two adhans? ...

What Should I Do if I Cannot Wake up For Fajr (Dawn Prayer)

What Should I Do if I Cannot Wake up For Fajr (Dawn Prayer)?

How could the Muslim keep the Fajr (Dawn Prayer)? ...

What Are the Virtues of Fajr Prayer?

What Are the Virtues of Fajr Prayer?

What are the virtues of prayer in congregation? What is the wisdom of following the Sunnah of ...

How to Wake up for Night and Fajr Prayer

How to Wake up for Night and Fajr Prayer

Why should a Muslim take a nap? What are the virtues of the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer? ...

Some Muslims offer Fajr prayer in congregation.

Fajr Prayer is Like a Good Investment

What are the virtues of offering Fajr and Isha’ Prayers in congregation? ...

A Muslim offers prayer at a mosque - All About Fajr Prayer

All About Fajr Prayer

What is the reward of offering Fajr (Dawn) prayer in congregation? What are the consequences of ...

The Prophet's Mosque

Sunnah of Fajr Prayer

What should you do if you miss the sunnah of Fajr Prayer? What are the merits of the two rak`ah ...

Prayer in Islam

Prayer Is Better Than Sleep

Why do we pray? How could we escape or relieve ourselves from the worries of this life? What is ...

Sultan Ahmad Mosque

Making up for Years of Missed Prayers

How should on make up for missed prayers? What is the status of the Fajr prayer? What is the im ...