The Secret of Prayer Lies in Devotion to Allah

The Secret of Prayer Lies in Devotion to Allah

How could a slave achieve the sincerity and devotion to Allah during Prayer? What are the level ...

Someone prostrating in the prayer.

Prayer is the Ascension of Believers

How could you increase your devotion in prayer? How could you perform a genuine prayer? What is ...

A mosque in Dubai

Importance of Prayer for a Muslim’s Characters

Prayer is an obligation and it must be performed five times a day by the Muslim. It’s one ...


How to Develop Khushu` in Prayer

How could a Muslim maintain Khushu` in prayer? ...

someone is offering prayer at the mosque.

Impact of Prayer on Psychotherapy

What is the effect of prayer on the praying person? What is the relation between Prayer and psy ...


How to Pray Five Times a Day

Do you keep on your prayer? Do you pray five times a day? Do you find it difficult? How could y ...

The Mosque

In a State of Prayer Before Prayer

How could you increase your devotion in prayer? How to feel the impact of adhan? How could you ...


Holding a Translation of the Qur’an during Tarawih

Is the translation of the Qur’an is considered Qur’an? Is it permissible to read from the Mus-h ...

Prostration in Prayer

Striking a Balance between Hope and Fear While Praying

What are the essential feelings during prayer? Mention some of the attributes of the believers? ...


Seeking Refuge in Allah during Prayer

How does Satan distract us from the prayer? How could you avoid the whispers of Satan during pr ...