How could one offer prayer on plane while sitting without standing or facing the qiblah (direct ...
What is the ruling of preceding the imam while offering prayer? Is it permissible to go along w ...
How could you move your index finger in the tashahhud during prayer? What is the wisdom behind ...
What is the ruling of oral sex in Islam? Does oral sex necessitate performing Ghusl (Ritual Bat ...
What is the ruling of making Isha (Night) prayer early during summer time? Watch this short vid ...
What is the ruling of offering prayer (salat) without covering one's shoulders? Is it permissib ...
If I intended to pray witr three rak`ahs then I heard the adhan, could I just offer the witr on ...
What is meant by nifas? What is the maximum period of postnatal bleeding? What is the minimum p ...
If you joined the congregational prayer after the first rak`ah, how could you complete your pra ...
What is meant by life in Prayer? What is are the secrets of the accepted salat (Prayer)? How co ...