To know how should the praying person stand with the Imam in congregational prayer, watch this ...
For more information about the differences between the schools of Fiqh on witr prayer, enjoy wa ...
I’m overloaded that I cannot pray five times a day. So what? Why the burden? ...
What are the rulings of women leading prayer? Is it permissible for a woman to lead men and wom ...
What is the ruling of delivering Friday Khutbah in a language other than Arabic? Watch this int ...
How many rak`ahs is the Duha Prayer? What it its ruling in Islam? ...
What are the necessary qualities for an Imam to have in order to lead a congregational prayer? ...
Is there a specific supplication or dhikr to be said during the sitting of the imam between the ...
What is the importance of prayer? How could prayer develop unity? ...
Is it obligatory to use miswak before offering prayer? ...