What is the ruling of taking pills such as birth control or hormone tablets to delay a woman's ...
What is the ruling of touching a non-mahram woman? Does a touching a woman invalidate one's wud ...
O you who have abandoned the prayer! What is left of your Islam after you have abandoned them? ...
What are the virtues of prayer in Islam? What is the first thing that a person will be asked ab ...
What is the ruling of delivering the Friday khutbah in a language other than Arabic? Watch this ...
What is the ruling of making itikaf at home for women (musalla room) instead of the Masjid? Wha ...
Is it permissible to hold a translation of the Quran while offering taraweeh behind the imam? ...
Is it permissible to offer an obligatory prayer before its fixed time? What is the ruling of co ...
What is the best time to offer the Duha Prayer? What are the virtues of offering the Duha Praye ...
I’m overloaded that I cannot pray five times a day. So what? Why the burden? ...