shaking hands after prayer

What Is the Ruling of Shaking Hands After Prayer?

Is shaking hands after offering prayer an innovation? What is the ruling of shaking hands in Is ...

Qunut in Fajr

What Is the Ruling of Qunut in Fajr Prayer?

What is the ruling of making supplication and dhikr after prayer? ...

Awrah of Men and Women in Prayer

Awrah of Men and Women in Prayer

What parts that should be covered during prayer? What kinds of garments that could be worn for ...

Spiritual Retreat

I`tikaf during the Last Third of Ramadan

What is meant by i`tikaf? What are the etiquettes of i`tikaf? What is the significance of i`tik ...

How the Prophet Observed I`tikaf

How the Prophet Observed I`tikaf

What is the guidance of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in i`tikaf? How could one seek Laylat A ...

the conditions of the imam

What Are the Conditions of the Imam?

Is it permissible for a boy to lead the congregational prayer? Why? What are the conditions of ...

Saying Alhamdulillah When Sneezing in Prayer

Do I Say Alhamdulillah When I Sneeze in Prayer?

Is it permissible to respond to a Muslim when he sneezes in prayer? ...

Is My Prayer Valid If My Shirt Has a Picture?

Is My Prayer Valid If My Shirt Has a Picture?

What is the ruling of praying in a room in which there is a picture on a wall? ...

Why Does Mo Salah Make Prostration After Scoring Goals

Why Does Mohamed Salah Make Prostration After Scoring Goals?

What is the secret of prostration? Does Mohamed Salah worship one God? How does prostration ref ...

How Should Two People Praying Together Stand in Prayer?

How Should Two People Praying Together Stand in Prayer?

How could you pray in congregation? ...