A pig and a dog.

Purification: Types of Impurities (1/2)

What is the ruling of the pig’s meat regarding purity? What is the ruling of blood? What is the ...


Useful Points Regarding Purification

What are the etiquettes of entering the bathroom? How could you clean yourself after urination? ...

wiping over socks

Wiping Over Socks

What are the things that would nullify wiping over the socks? How could we count the period of ...

Congregational Prayer

Praying behind a Boy Who is not Adult

Is it allowed for a boy to lead a congregational prayer? What is the Proof? ...

Water of ablution.

Purification: Kinds of Water (2/2)

What are the categories of leftover water? What is the ruling of water left after disbelievers ...


Purification: Kinds of Water (1/2)

Does the believer become impure? What are the kinds of mutlaq water? What is meant by the alter ...

Prostration in Prayer

Striking a Balance between Hope and Fear While Praying

What are the essential feelings during prayer? Mention some of the attributes of the believers? ...

Prayer In Islam

Changing Position after Obligatory Prayer to Pray Sunnah prayer

What shall be done once you finish the obligatory prayer? What is the object of changing positi ...


Ruku` in Prayer

What are the external acts of bowing? How to perform bowing in the perfect way? ...


Seeking Refuge in Allah during Prayer

How does Satan distract us from the prayer? How could you avoid the whispers of Satan during pr ...