What is meant by ghusl? What are the cases that necessitates ritual bath? When is ablution requ ...
What are the virtues of prayer in Islam? What is the punishment of not offering prayers in thei ...
What is the sunnah in arranging the rows while offering the congregational prayer? ...
What should one do if missed the congregational prayer? ...
What is the ruling of making supplication while offering prayer? ...
How should on make up for missed prayers? What is the status of the Fajr prayer? What is the im ...
I get up shortly before the Fajr Prayer and make wudu (ablution), should I offer the Sunnah pra ...
What is the ruling of finding wetness after waking up? Is it madhi or mani? Does it require per ...
How to perform ablution (wudu) effectively without wasting water? How could a Muslim perform wu ...
What are the types of Ghusl (Ritual Bath)? What is the difference between recommended and Wajib ...