Is shaking hands after offering prayer an innovation? What is the ruling of shaking hands in Is ...
What is the ruling of making supplication and dhikr after prayer? ...
I converted to Islam recently and my work schedule does now allow me to pray Tarawhi prayer. Wh ...
Is it permissible for a boy to lead the congregational prayer? Why? What are the conditions of ...
What are the conditions of wiping over socks? How could you calculate the period of wiping over ...
What is the ruling for holding two congregational prayers at the same mosque? ...
Is it permissible to lag behind the imam during the congregational prayer? What is the ruling o ...
What is the purpose of the adhan? Is it permissible to pray before the iqamah? ...
Is it permissible for an imam to lead a prayer with covering his head? What are the `awrah of m ...
What is the ruling of filling the gaps while praying? What are the rewards of doing that? ...